JANUARY IS FINALLY OVER! I swear this month seemed to go on FOREVER! I did not complete as many dramas as I wanted in January as I wanted too. The world has felt very heavy for me in January, and I was just SO STRESSED between work and what is going on in the world, especially in the USA right now. I have said this before and I will say it again, when I get TOO stressed, that causes me to not watch anything. I just doomscroll or literally stare at the wall sometimes. 😂 I don't know why I do this, but it just happens. So, I really should be more caught up with the dramas I am currently watching but also, I should have completed more dramas in January than I did. I am feeling a little better so, I think I will do a better job at staying on top of my drama watching in February.

Even though I was stressed a lot of January, and I don't think that will change for a while, I think I have a better handle of it so, I don't think it will affect my drama watching as much as it did in January (*fingers crossed*). I still think I completed some great dramas in January. I hope I can complete more things in February BUT ALSO just get more dramas on my current watchlist. Right now, my current watchlist is a little empty as well.
The Trunk (Kdrama) (NETFLIX): Now, I saved this drama until January to watch. I knew I would not have time to watch it in December when it premiered. I AM SO HAPPY I FOUND THE TIME TO WATCH THIS DRAMA! If I had watched this in 2024, it would have been one of my favorite Kdramas of 2024 and would have made my favorite Kdramas of 2024 list. So, since I watched and completed it in 2025, it might be on my list for the end of 2025. We will have to see what happens. I LOVED how flawed these characters were. Â I loved the messaging in the drama. This was a character led drama, and I loved the exploration of these flawed characters. Loved the music and cinematography. I did think one storyline was not needed and could be taken out. I wanted more context to some characters & story points. Overall, though, just a beautiful drama about people. You will hear more of my thoughts on this drama on a future Drama Trio Podcast episode where I was a guest.
RATING: 9/10
When the Phone Rings (Kdrama) (NETFLIX): This drama was not perfect as I am sure a lot of people will agree with that. I still enjoyed this drama a lot. I recommend you go into this drama with the expectation that you need to turn your brain off and it will not be a drama you should put any analysis into. You just enjoy the crazy ride. The chemistry and lead couple were EVERYTHING! I loved the pacing of the drama EXCEPT for the last couple of episodes. The pacing for those last couple of episodes could have been done differently. I LOVED the makjang elements, but we know I love a good makjang. It definitely had plot holes, but I didn’t dislike the last episode as much as I thought I would. I thought I would be influenced by everyone else's outrage for the last episode and also be mad. I was HORRIBLY spoiled by this drama because I fell behind on it. I was surprised that I was not as outraged with the last episode as everyone else. I did still have issues with the last episode still though. It also had unanswered questions at the end. Overall - definitely one of my fav kdramas I have watched and still very entertaining. You will hear more of my thoughts on this drama on a future Drama Trio Podcast episode where I was a guest.
RATING: 8.5/10
Be Your Knight (Cdrama) (VIKI): This could have been better, but it wasn’t horrible. I liked the male lead a lot and loved the second couple. I might be bias with the male lead a bit because I have seen him in other dramas, and I like him. I could not get behind the female lead. Something about her didn’t work for me. The story was entertaining, but it was too long. There were too many episodes even though the episodes were short. I LOVED the found family. Some of the comedy worked for me and some didn’t. Also, the music sometimes was so loud I could not hear the dialogue. This drama was just ok, still entertaining but just ok.
RATING: 7.5/10
Danger of Her Season 1 (rewatch) (Cdrama) (IQIYI): This was a rewatch for me because I want to check out Season 2 which came out in 2024. It sort of dropped out of the blue. I didn't even know a season 2 was being made, let alone being released. I did not like this as much as when I first watched it. I forgot how ridiculous the ending was. I have no idea what season 2 is about. I don't know if it is a continuation or a brand-new story. I do know it is the same characters, BUT different actors/actresses being those characters. I still loved the psychological warfare & the women getting revenge. I have seen better executions of this though. It is still a decent crime drama - I’ve seen worse.
RATING: 7.5/10
2024 Kdrama SBS, MBC and KBS Drama Awards (AMAZON PRIME): I kept with my tradition that I do every year & watched the kdrama awards on January 1st. The only one available on January 1 was the SBS awards. The others were delayed until later in January. I did end up watching all 3 award shows in January by the end of the month. SBS Awards was the first thing I completed in January 2025. I always like to watch these and look back on the dramas I watched with each network in the previous year. I like to see if I liked a network's Kdramas over the year versus other networks. I really did not watch anything from KBS in 2024 🤣 - UNTIL NEXT YEAR KOREAN DRAMA AWARDS SHOWS!

Tomorrow and I (Thai Drama) (NETFLIX): I said in my December Wrap Up Post, that if I completed anything after I recorded that episode, I would stick it here in my January 2025 Wrap Up Episode. I recorded that episode a little early in December so, I knew there was a good possibility that I was going to completed at least one more thing in December before the year ended and I WAS RIGHT! I am not going to talk about this a lot because if you listened to my TOP NON-KOREAN DRAMAS OF 2024, Tomorrow and I made that list so, I already talked about it. You can read that blog post here. All I am going to say is If you don't have a lot of time and want to watch something different, try this drama out. This was a unique, short drama that reminded me a bit of Black Mirror. It is a sci-fi drama that has a unique perspective of it coming from Thai Culture. It definitely stood out near the end of 2024 for me.

Now, Let's move into what dramas I am looking forward to in February. I am so happy that I have a pretty diverse group of dramas that I am looking forward too. I hope I can get over this stress and actually watch some of the dramas I am looking forward too. I know there is a drama from January I have not ever started yet. Now, we know that I am not going to watch these cdramas as they air but I still want to talk about them because they are cdramas that have caught my eye. There are a ton of cdramas that might air in February, and I know I am forgetting A LOT of them in this blogpost, but these are just 2 that I remember being confirmed for February.

The White Olive Tree (Cdrama) (IQIYI) [PREMIERES FEBRUARY 1, 2025]
IT IS FINALLY COMING OUT!! I know I have discussed this Chinese drama MULTIPLE times on this blog. I feel like we have been waiting for a year AT LEAST for this drama. It premiered today (the day I am writing this). This drama has been on my plan to watchlist FOREVER and it is finally here. I feel like this is the type of romantic drama I could get behind because it looks like it might be sprinkled with a lot of action. We got Che Zhe Yuan who plays a Chinese explosive engineer who meets a female reporter played by Liang Jie. They meet in a warzone, dealing with danger. They go back to China and separate. At some point they meet again and grow close. I love Liang Jie which is why I have been looking forward to this drama. I hope that romance mixed with this danger and action will get me to like this drama. I hope it doesn't get boring once they get back to China. We will have to see what I think once I watch this.

The Embers (Cdrama) (TENCENT) [PREMIERES FEBRUARY 8, 2025]
This cdrama caught my eye. It is about 2 brothers who go through a horrible massacre. It then examines and looks at how this horrible event affected them later in life. The brothers apparently were two brothers who investigated crimes together, but this event split them apart and now they fight against each other. I am curious what this event is. I also want to know more of what paths in life these 2 brothers have taken. I am a big fan of Wang Zi Qi and I have many of his dramas on my plan to watch list. I am excited to watch him in another crime drama. The brother is played by Sunny Sun who I have never watched in a drama before even though I have realized I have a few of his dramas on my plan to watch list. I am curious about the two brothers' chemistry together. OF COURSE, this is a crime drama which I am always excited for.

Newtopia (Kdrama) (AMAZON PRIME) [PREMIERES FEBRUARY 7, 2025]
I plan to start this, but I am on the fence if I will end up liking this or not. The MAJOR reason why I am planning on checking this out is because the main storyline has zombies in it. I have always said that Korea does Zombies really well. I am really curious what Kim Ji Soo will do in this type of story. What gives me pause was the trailer. I was expecting this drama to be on the serious side BUT the trailer shows a lot more comedy than I thought there would be. We know how I feel about comedy. Now, comedy could work for me, or it could not. I won't know until I watch the first episode. I still plan to check out the first episode. This is a short drama. It only has 8 episodes so; I am wondering if there will be more than 1 season. I do like a lot of the support cast so; I am excited to see them in a drama again. I have always liked Park Jeong Min so; I am glad to see him in a lead role. I am curious to see how him and Ji Soo will be as a couple. I would never pair these off as a couple so, this will be interesting to see what I think of this drama.

The Witch (Kdrama) (RUMOR is VIKI) [PREMIERES FEBRUARY 15, 2025]
What intrigues me the most about this drama is the unknown. There is so much I don't know about this drama. It looks like this could be a good romance mixed with suspense drama. It also possibly could just be a really sad drama. It is giving sad ending vibes. I have always like Park Jin Young as an actor so, I am excited to watch him a drama again. I have never seen Roh Jeong Eui in a drama before so, that is another unknown for me that I am curious about. I also can't 100% know if this will be a romance or not. I think it will be, but the trailers are giving sadness and suspense so much! The plot says that anyone who falls in love with the female lead, they end up injured or dead which is why she is called a witch and everyone thinks she is cursed. I am curious if that will be a big part of the plot. I hope this drama keeps up the suspense and the mystery for a while in the drama. Apparently, it has a Chinese movie adaption already. The source material is a webtoon.

Offline Love (JVariety Show) (NETFLIX) [PREMIERES FEBRUARY 15, 2025]
GIVE ME ALL OF THE ROMANCE REALITY SHOWS!! We have another Japanese Romance
Reality shows coming out in February on Netflix. I have said this before and I will say this again, I AM A SUCKER FOR ASIAN ROMANCE REALITY SHOWS! I love them SO MUCH! This show is about a group of young Japanese people who are single spend 10 days in France. While there, they don't have access to digital devices. There is no guarantee of crossing paths. So, they try to meet each other organically and through "fate" with chance meetings. THE TRAILER LOOKS ADORABLE! The show will have a group of panelists that comment. I always love when a romance reality show has a panel. It looks like once they meet, they might get to choose who they want to go on dates with, we will have to see. I just think the concept is refreshing because someone might not ever meet up with anyone else. We will have to wait and see if it does seem like an organic meeting to us as the audience. I KNOW I WILL BECOME INVESTED IN THIS FOR SURE!

Buried Hearts (Kdrama) (RUMOR is Disney +/HULU) [PREMIERES FEBRUARY 21, 2025]
I don't think this will be everyone's cup of tea when it comes to plot. I know a lot of people will want to check it out because Park Hyung Sik is starring in it. I am excited to see him square off against Huh Joon Ho who I think will be an EXCELLENT villain. He plays villains very well in my opinion. This drama is a political thriller about a man played by Park Hyung Sik who wants revenge. He must go up against Huh Joon Ho's character who is the most influential man in the political world and has a lot of money to back that up. It is unclear why Park Hyung Sik's character want revenge right now. I am ready to see Park Hyun Sik play a darker role again. It has been a while since I have seen him play a darker role. I am curious about their chemistry together as a "hero" and villain going against each other. I hope it is satisfying revenge.
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