I already sort of did this last year but I figured I would officially put out my list of my TOP OSTS OF 2021! If you want to read the Music Mondays post where I already talked about this, you can read it right here. Just like I said in the My Playlist post from December 2021, this list is mostly off of what OSTs is off my end of the year Spotify playlist. Some of the songs on this list might be a repeat from my December 2021 playlist. I also have to point out again that these OSTs aren't just from 2021 dramas. These OSTs can be from 2021 dramas but also just dramas I WATCHED in 2021. These songs are also in no particular order.

Happiness - Pain (Isaac Hong)
Awaken - Set Me Free - Night Version (Ha Dong Qn)
Secret Royal Inspector - I'll Find You (N.Flying)
Noble Aspirations II - Time Cracks (Li Yi Feng)
L.U.C.A.: The Beginning - LUCA (Jemma)
Sisyphus: The Myth - Stay: Tempus (G.Soul)
Beyond Evil - Timeless (BiBi)
General's Lady - For One Person (Caesar Wu and Tang Min)
Law School - X (Safira.K)
Mine - This is Mine (Lee Seung Yoon)
Phoenix 2020 - Sight (Red Sun)
The Uncanny Counter - Close Your Eyes (Isaac Hong)
Second Husband - a habit (Kim Yang)
This is just a handful of songs that I loved in 2021. I still love all the songs from my previous post in December as well as the list I made about the OSTs I loved in the first half of 2021, which you can read here. As you see from both of these past blog posts, there are entire albums or entire dramas that I loved all of their OSTs, but I needed this list to stop somewhere.
So, what OSTs from 2021 did you love? Do you only listen to OSTs from dramas you actually have watched like me? Do you prefer one country's OSTs over others?