Feb 29 minTOP 11 NON-KOREAN DRAMAS OF 2023Now that you have read my "TOP 11 KDRAMAS OF 2023" blogpost a few days ago, Today, I have given you my list of my "TOP 11 NON-KOREAN...
Oct 31, 20235 minASIAN DRAMAS TO WATCH TO CELEBRATE HALLOWEENIt is Halloween and I realized that I have not done a Halloween blogpost at all this year. So, HERE IS SOME ASIAN DRAMAS THAT I WOULD...
Oct 28, 20236 minFAVORITE TDRAMAS OF ALL TIMEI am still not done making lists of my all-time favorite dramas from a certain country. So, Today, I decided to tackle another country...
Sep 8, 20235 minTDRAMA REVIEW: Oh No! Here Comes Trouble (2023)MAN, I FEEL LIKE I HAVE NOT WRITTEN A REVIEW ON THIS BLOG FOR A WHILE! Let alone, I have not written a review for a Taiwanese drama in a...
Sep 6, 20237 minAUGUST 2023 WRAP UPSeptember is here which means another month has ended and now another month wrap up post needs to be written. What did I watch in August?...
Aug 16, 20236 minMY WATCHLIST - AUGUST 2023August is a very interesting month for my watchlist. I am watching a HUGE variety of dramas but a lot of different countries. I think I...
Apr 17, 20232 minMY WATCHLIST IS NEVER EMPTY - WEEK OF APRIL 3RD, 2023 & APRIL 10TH, 2023Since I missed last week's list of dramas/movies that came to streaming sites, I am combining 2 weeks in this blogpost. You will get A...
Apr 1, 20237 minMARCH 2023 WRAP UPAnyone else feel like this past month has gone by SO QUICKLY but also was crawling at a snail's pace? No, just me - well that is how I...