Mar 30, 20228 minMARCH 2022 WRAP UPA few MAJOR changes happened in my life this past month. I feel like I did not have time this past month and didn't complete a lot of...
Feb 28, 20222 minMY WATCHLIST IS NEVER EMPTY - WEEK OF FEBRUARY 21ST, 2022For me, it still seemed like a slow week for premieres or new dramas/movies to be added to streaming sites. I might just not have...
Feb 9, 20228 minJANUARY WRAP UP 2022January is over. THAT MEANS IT IS TIME FOR ANOTHER WRAP UP POST!! The first one for 2022 as well. Did January seem fast and gone in a...
Feb 2, 20228 minANTICIPATED KDRAMAS FOR 2022Now, that I did my ANTICIPATED NON-KOREAN DRAMAS FOR 2022 (which I have SO MANY MORE DRAMAS I could put on that list), HERE IS MY LIST...