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JULY has COME and GONE! I did very well with finishing dramas this month. I set the goal of completing or dropping all the dramas I was watching. I wanted to do this to clear out my current watchlist. Some of the dramas that were on it had been there since 2020. SO, IT NEEDED TO HAPPEN! I hope I can keep up the momentum for August because my life gets a little busier in August. We will see.


My Roommate is a Gumiho (Kdrama)(VIKI/iQIYI): One of the BEST rom-com Kdramas I have ever watched. I enjoyed this drama from START to FINISH! The lead couple had OUT OF THIS WORLD chemistry. I was worried that I would not like the type of comedy in this drama BUT I WAS SO WRONG! There were scenes in this drama that made me laugh SO HARD! I did not particularly like the Second Male lead for various reasons BUT overall, I LOVED THIS DRAMA!

Kingdom: Ashin of the North (Kdrama Special)(NETFLIX): I am EXTREMELY bias with this special episode because I LOVED the first 2 seasons of Kingdom. So, NATURALLY, I LOVE THIS SPECIAL EPISODE! I loved learning about Ashin and her backstory. I am SO EXCITED to see what she does in Season 3 and how she shakes things up. If you have not seen my post about Kingdom: Ashin of the North - HERE IT IS!!

Faith (Kdrama)(VIKI): This was the 5th time I rewatched this drama. Obviously, I love this drama and will recommend it to anyone who is willing to watch it. I am also bias with this drama because it was one of the first Kdramas I ever watched. I am aware it does have flaws BUT I LOVE IT SO MUCH and can look past those flaws very easily!

Bossam: Steal the Fate (Kdrama)(VIKI): I enjoyed this Kdrama a lot. I am usually not drawn to historical Kdramas but 2021 seems to be a weird year for me because this is the second historical kdrama this year I have watched and enjoyed. This drama has BEAUTIFUL cinematography. The 3 leads had FANTASTIC chemistry and very talented with their acting skills. If you want a full review of this drama - CHECK OUT MY REVIEW HERE!

General's Lady (Cdrama)(VIKI): This was one of the dramas I had started a little earlier in the year and needed to finish. I enjoyed this Chinese drama quite a bit. I thought the main couple were cute together and were one of the best things about this drama. I liked that they and their relationship grew with each other. If you want to read my full review of this drama - read it RIGHT HERE!

Love is Phantom (Jdrama)(VIKI): Love is Phantom wrapped up in the month of July. This Japanese drama surprised me quite a bit. It had A LOT more kissing and physical touching than I thought it would AND THAT IS SAYING A LOT WITH A JDRAMA! I loved the main couple and how their relationship progressed through the drama. I don't think all the plot points got wrapped cleanly at the end but that is fine. I wrote my FIRST IMPRESSIONS of this drama and you can read it HERE. I am posting my FINAL REVIEW of the drama sometime this week.

Noble Aspirations S1 (Cdrama)(Youtube): I FINALLY FINISHED THIS CHINESE DRAMA! Half of it was that there were too many episodes in this drama but I also was actively avoiding finishing this drama because I was enjoying it quite a bit. If you like fantasy Cdramas, YOU SHOULD WATCH THIS ONE! It has a very talented cast. It does have quite an ABRUPT ending and there is a Season 2 which I am watching right now. I am will release my review of Season 1 and Season 2 sometime in August.

Be Loved in House: I Do (Tdrama)(VIKI): Lastly, I finished Be Loved in House: I Do in July. It wasn't the best drama I have ever seen BUT overall, I liked it a lot. I thought the couples were cute together and had chemistry. The story's pacing was a little weird and I wish it had more depth with some story points It has a straightforward and sweet story though. I will be posting a FINAL REVIEW later this week for this drama so look for that.


For July, 2021, I only dropped 1 drama

The Witch's Diner (Kdrama): I started The Witch's Diner and really wanted to like it. After watching 2 episodes, I decided to drop it because I didn't get attached to anything in the story. The story wasn't bad by any means but it didn't grab me. I also didn't like that Chae Jong Hyeop's character in high school. I get the reason why but I just didn't like that choice.


I have a mix of dramas and variety shows that I am looking forward to in August. I hope I get access to a lot of these to watch. We will see what I start in August. I will post if I know when and where these dramas are premiering. Some are still rumors for August.

Girls Planet 999 (Korean Variety)(iQIYI): [STARTS AUGUST 6TH, 2021]

I have never watched a Korean competition show as it airs. I have decided that this one will be the first. I know a lot of the contestants on the show so I want to cheer them on. I am also just curious how this whole process works. Having Tiffany Young, Sunmi and Yeo Jin Goo as hosts on this show is also a HUGE DRAW for me because I LOVE THEM! I think I will enjoy watching this A LOT.

I hope this actually airs in August. I am not very confident that it will air because all we have gotten so far is a poster. I talked about this in my Anticipated Kdramas for the 2nd half of 2021. The idea of watching a drama through cameras and CCTVs just intrigues me a lot. So, we will have to wait and see when this drama actually airs.

Police University (Kdrama)(VIKI): [STARTS AUGUST 9TH, 2021]

This is a crime drama SO I AM IN! One of the main characters also is a HACKER which I love. I always watch dramas when hackers are involved. I have no idea why I like hackers so much BUT I DO! I am a little worried because it does seem to have a lot of comedy in it. I am very particular about comedy in the dramas I watch. I am hoping it has the same vibe as Team Bulldog: Off-duty Investigation because I loved how the dark crime and comedy played off each other in that drama. We will have to see when it premieres.

Second Husband (Kdrama)(VIKI): [STARTS AUGUST 9TH, 2021]

The daily drama that I am currently watching has ended. I am planning on finishing it in the month of August. So, this will be the next daily drama I watch. I liked Uhm Hyun Kyung a lot in A Man in a Veil so I am sure I am going to like her. I haven't seen anyone else in a drama yet so I am excited to get to know new actors/actresses through this drama. This daily drama is another revenge drama SO I AM ALL IN! I hope the revenge part is better written than it is right now in Miss Montecristo.

Check Out the Event (Kdrama)(VIKI): [STARTS AUGUST 14TH, 2021]

The only reasons why I want to check out this reason are Kwon Hwa Woon and it is only 4 episodes. I have liked Kwon Hwa Woon since 2020 and I have just grown to love him even more through his dramas in 2020 and 2021. I am glad that I get to watch him in a drama so soon after Mouse. I am sad that it is only 4 episodes because He will only be in 4 episodes. I am also glad that it is only 4 episodes because this genre is not what I usually gravitate towards. WHO KNOWS, IT MIGHT SURPRISE ME!

Lovers of the Red Sky (Kdrama)(VIKI): [STARTS AUGUST 23RD, 2021]

I remember see the short trailer for this drama at an awards show in January, 2021 and I immediately said I AM WATCHING THIS DRAMA! Well, that drama is FINALLY premiering and I am EXCITED. I sort of have no idea what it is about BUT I am okay with that. I want it to surprise me. I hope it is MAGICAL! This is another historical drama that is going on my list, granted there is supposed to have some fantasy attached to it. I have no idea what that fantasy is though.

D.P. (Kdrama)(NETFLIX): [STARTS AUGUST 27TH, 2021]

THIS DROPPED OUT OF NOWHERE!! It was not on my radar for August until it was announced YESTERDAY that it was going to premiere at the end of the month. I have missed watching Jung Hae In on my screen so this has been on my list since it was announced. I was not expecting it to be a comedy though so that gives me pause FOR SURE! I will check it out and see what I think.

This is rumored to premiere in August AND I NEED IT TOO!! I AM SO EXCITED FOR THIS DRAMA! I will literally DROP everything else I am watching to watch this drama. You guys know I am a HUGE fan of Ren Jialun so I don't need to say anything again. I know I talked about this one A LOT in my ANTICIPATED NON-KOREAN DRAMAS FOR THE 2ND HALF OF 2021 as well. Now, I won't believe that it will premiere in August until I see the first episode available to watch so we will have to see. I JUST WANT TO WATCH IT ALREADY!

The next 3 cdramas I am not going to believe they will premiere in August until I see the first or maybe even ALL the episodes out in August. 😂 Dates for all of these have been circulating and rumored for months. We will just have to see what happens. I am glad I don't know much about Immortality's story because I like not knowing when going into dramas. I know this cast is very talented so I am not worried about that either. I am just excited to check it out when it ACTUALLY premieres, whenever that may be.

Another cdrama that is rumored to premiere in August and I won't believe it until I see it. The stills for this drama LOOK BEAUTIFUL! I am hoping it translate to beautiful cinematography. The steampunk setting intrigues me a lot and I am curious how that will translate to the screen. We will just have to see how it is once it airs.

This is a new cdrama that is rumored for the end of August. The rumor just surfaced like this past week so AGAIN I will not believe it until I see the episodes starting to be released. I am VERY excited for this Chinese drama. I love the look of the drama a lot. I love that there is a historical investigation/detective story. I like the cast. SO, I JUST NEED THIS DRAMA RIGHT NOW SO I CAN WATCH IT!

LAST but not least, GIVE ME ALL THE DRAMAS ABOUT CHEFS AND FOOD! I will always make sure to check them out. Having food porn in a drama IS ALWAYS A PLUS! I don't know much more than one of the characters is a chef and that means food will be in the drama. I don't know much about the cast either BUT I am looking forward to this drama nonetheless.


















Did you complete any dramas in July? What did you like that you completed? What are you looking forward to in August for dramas? What about KPOP - anything you are excited for?




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